
Nia mac Lugna Fir Trí

  • (agents)
son of Lugna Fer Trí; foster-brother and half-brother of Cormac mac Airt

See also: Lugna Fer Trí
Lugna(e) (or Luigne) Fir/Fer Trí
Legendary petty king of Corann; the earliest traditions about him may be reflected in a genealogical account on the Luigne and Gailenga, in which his career is associated with the royal infant Nia Noí nGráinne; associated with the Déisi; known from later sagas as a fosterfather of Cormac mac Airt (see e.g. Geneamuin Chormaic ua Chuind and also Scéla Éogain ocus Cormaic, where his status and significance are somewhat diminished); figures in a curious anecdote concerning his three testicles, which is preserved in the Book of Lecan recension of Cóir anmann

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October 2016